Saturday, April 25, 2015

Summary and tough questions

From where I left off in Go Ask Alice I have read that Alice is living a better life but only for some short amount of time.  Alice seems to be living a calm life but then always goes back to the old ways. Now Alice has taken on a new job, she is a cleaner in an expensive hotel and the owners adore her. Alice and her roommate are going to eat dinner with them this Sunday. Alice is trying to get back on track but now she has to work harder to pay off her drug money dues.
   One of her tough questions would be, "Should I just give up", She begins to realize that living on her own is really hard and she wants to end it. Her only escape are drugs. Alice sometimes has her own type of saying that helps her get through things. She really is trying her best in life but she always ends up in failure.

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