Thursday, April 16, 2015

Would We Be Killed? (Native Americans)

American Indians were marginalized and made to feel as if they didn’t exist in the way of having to kill off every part of their culture. In the text it states that "the students were given Christian first names. Ota Kte was given the name Luther. As for a last name, school officials usually translated each child’s Indian name into English. But Ota Kte’s name meant “plenty kills,” which was considered too “savage.” So Ota Kte took his father’s name, which is how Ota Kte became Luther Standing Bear. Along with his new name came a new look." This proves that anything that portrayed an American Indian it was to be cut off and forgotten about. They became different people. 
   The purpose of Shanice Britton's essay was to inform us of how her culture is really no different from any other human. Shanice lives a normal teen life and it is very similar to people who aren't in tribes. Shanice was raised knowing how to do things that her tribe would do. She was taught to do beading and sewing and other things. In the text it said that " Another thing that elders in my tribe taught me was how to weave and do beadwork". Even though she knows how to do these things she is still and American and is like any other person. I as a reader can see that Shanice is just like me, maybe a little older but she is into things my friends would like. I wouldn't treat her any different.

1 comment:

  1. Destiny, while you are correct about the names being changed, you did not explain how that happened or why? You left out the major issue in this article? What issue is this whole article talking about? Be specific.
